mardi 20 mars 2012


I witness the monotonous blackness of night
where is this quaintness called sleep?
starlight, hidden by the city, should be the backdrop of dreams

insomnia (take 327)

lundi 19 mars 2012

(...a new small stone...)

red sunlight leaves dusty stains on a shimmering path between the rooms
adieu from the west sweeps through in a slow kaleidoscope waltz

sunset on a Monday

dimanche 18 mars 2012


catch it now before brandy erases the ping
improvise the harmonies
dark evening sky surrounds my soul's
fledging need for the sting of drama
prepare tonight's bedtime stories
to be shared with the cat's purring

even this minute

is a prélude to dreams
casting songs on banana split carnaval floats
wind chimes tame midnight's approach
do not chastise my hunger for novelty
it is encased in words no one will remember

even this minute